SEO Strategy for Real Estate Lawyers: My Experience

Do you own a legal practice that wants to increase its internet presence and appeal to a greater number of prospective customers? In this day and age, it is very necessary for any company, including legal services providers, to have a robust presence online.

The process of optimizing your website for search engines is one technique to boost your online presence and bring in more traffic that comes from natural search results (SEO).

You may boost your website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more qualified leads if you optimize it with relevant keywords, provide excellent content, and establish a strong backlink profile. These three things will work together to make up your website’s backlink profile.

How SEO can Help Real Estate Lawyers?

Real estate lawyers, like attorneys in other sectors of practice, must ensure that their online presence is search engine optimized in order to draw new customers. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an important component of digital marketing for legal service providers. As a consequence, your website’s visibility will increase, as will the quality of leads gained from search engines.

Since the great majority of people use search engines like Google to find local businesses and services, including real estate law firms, having a good online presence is critical. Using search engine optimization (SEO) tactics, real estate lawyers may increase traffic to their websites and enhance their rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This makes it easier for potential clients to find lawyers. To draw in customers, you may use any number of keywords and search phrases linked to real estate. With search engine optimization (SEO), you put your efforts into making your website more search-engine friendly. As a consequence of this, you will not incur any more expenses in the process of luring visitors to your website.

Best SEO Strategy for Real Estate Lawyers

A well-planned SEO strategy for real estate lawyers will increase the visibility of your website. Here are all the steps:

Research Keywords Dedicated to a Law Firm

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), keywords are analogous to the sails that propel the ship that is your website. It is not desirable for people to stumble into the website of your legal practice while searching for something completely unrelated, such as the “best Thai restaurant near me.” Because of this, it is essential to choose the appropriate keywords while optimizing your website.

To get started, choose keywords that are pertinent to the areas of practice that your law company specializes in. For instance, rather than referring to someone as a “lawyer in Raleigh,” you might be more particular by saying something like “Raleigh Divorce Attorney,” “Personal Injury Law Firm,” or “Raleigh Business Lawyer.”

You will have a better chance of attracting quality leads and visitors to your website if you choose focused keywords that are exclusive to your practice. This implies that prospective customers who are truly interested in your services have a greater chance of discovering your website online. Spend some time honing your keyword approach, and you’ll soon see the fruits of your labor in terms of SEO.

Engrave Keywords on Your Website

Make it a point to include the page’s keywords into all of the most important aspects of your website, including the headline, the H2s, and H3s that serve as subheaders to separate the themes being discussed, your call to action, and the content itself.

Cannibalization of keywords is the most common SEO mistake. You should only choose one keyword to focus on for each page.

Subheaders should be optimized with your keyword as well as extra phrases you want to rank for. For example, “Raleigh Divorce Attorney” may be your primary area of practice, and your headline should contain the keywords you want to rank the highest for, such as “Raleigh Divorce Attorney.” Have a look at the following illustration to better understand what we mean…

Keywords in headers, your website’s photos, title tag, and meta description all play a big influence in your SEO and may be optimized with your keywords if you keep reading; additional information on this will be provided later on.

The second most common SEO blunder: overusing keywords. If you attempt to “keyword things,” search engines will punish your site with lower rankings. Thus, make natural use of your keywords and aim for a keyword density of roughly 1–2%.

Analyze Your Competitors

When you have decided on the keywords that you want to target, it is a good idea to investigate the level of competition that you are up against. Look at the people that are coming up in the organic search results, and keep track of where you are in the rankings as time goes on.

Examine the websites of your rivals to determine what it is that sets them apart from you. Check to see whether they have a blog that is often updated with information that is pertinent to their practice area, whether or not they use keywords across their sites, and whether or not their website runs fast on both desktop computers and mobile devices.

You may obtain some ideas on how to increase the search engine ranking of your own website by looking at what is working for your rivals and taking note of what you see. It’s possible that you need to draw attention to some extra services you provide or modify your keyword use to be either more or less specific.

In the end, gaining knowledge from your rivals may assist you in increasing the number of prospective customers that visit your law business by enhancing the visibility of your website in the results of search engines.

Off-page Optimization

When it comes to search engine optimization, off-site SEO is a vital approach that helps you improve your online presence on other websites in addition to your own website or real estate blog. This method is known as “off-page optimization.”

Building backlinks, also known as inbound links, to your website from other respectable websites, such as the website of your local state Bar Association, Avvo, and Super Lawyers, is one tactic that is used in this approach. Backlinks are also referred to as inbound links.

Since these external profiles may be adjusted and enhanced to represent your legal specialty and geographic area, the search engine results page rankings of your website may increase as a consequence.

It is also crucial to keep your external profiles and your own website consistent with one another since search engines place a higher value on consistency when determining the relevancy of a website. The online exposure of your law business may be considerably improved by ensuring that all of your external profiles are current and in accordance with your website at all times.

Mobile Optimization

Since more and more people are using their mobile devices to look for attorneys these days, it is essential to have a website that is suitable for mobile users in order to get the highest possible conversion rate. Having a website that is responsive on mobile devices, on the other hand, is an essential component for the search engine optimization of the site.

When it comes to evaluating websites and assigning ranks, leading search engines like Google and Bing place a significant emphasis on responsive web design as one of the most important criteria. Reports indicate that the proportion of users who made use of a mobile browser in the year 2022 was, on average, 58.37%.

There is no need for concern if you do not have access to many devices. You may try out your website on your desktop or laptop and adjust the size of the window in your browser. Your website needs to include predetermined “breakpoints” that cause the components to transition into the browser view automatically at the appropriate times. Your website is considered to be mobile-friendly if its buttons, forms, and text can still be seen without the user having to actively zoom in or out of the page.

Work on Creating Backlinks

Backlinks function similarly to roads on the internet, directing traffic to your website and attracting the attention of search engine crawlers. These links not only direct users to the material you provide, but they also have an effect on how search engines crawl and index your website.

For example, let’s say that The Digital, an attorney search engine optimization (SEO) organization, wants to establish itself as a reliable provider of SEO for law firms and attorneys. If this were the case, it would seek to gain backlinks on respected websites such as Clio that attest to the company’s skill in law firm SEO.

Do Local SEO for Your Firm

Google My Business is a helpful tool that may assist you in increasing the amount of traffic that visits the website of your legal business and in improving your company’s overall online visibility. It gives you the ability to improve the way that your company appears in Google Search and Google Maps by supplying complete information such as your phone number, address, and reviews from previous customers.

Creating a listing for your company on Google My Business is a rather simple process. You have the option of doing it on your own, or you could employ a professional law firm SEO agency to assist you. When your listing has been validated, you will be able to add your information, including your keywords, in order to enhance the description and qualities of your law practice.

Customers are able to submit reviews, which is among the major advantages of having a GMB profile for your business. Reviews are important because they encourage prospective clients to have a higher level of confidence in their decision to choose you as their attorney. Be sure to maintain your profile up to date with factual information, and encourage your customers to leave reviews on Google, as this will ensure that it remains accessible and relevant.

Create Site Pages Dedicated to Specific Keywords

If you want to boost your website’s rating in search engines, it is vital to offer both helpful content and a pleasant experience for visitors. There are two key reasons why having more relevant information might increase your ranking:

When it comes to search engine optimization, site architecture is really crucial (SEO). A website that is well-organized and straightforward to browse may improve the user experience.

In addition, search engines such as Google and Bing may see your website as a more trustworthy source if it has more content than its rivals. You may increase your website’s visibility and provide users with more comprehensive information if you establish keyword-specific web pages.

Keep in mind that both the quality and quantity of your material are considered by search engine algorithms when determining page rankings. Hence, when you create new content for your website, you should ensure that it provides information that is valuable to your users. Filler content is something that neither users nor search engines want.


Real estate attorneys who want their digital marketing plan to be effective should place a significant emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO). You may improve your website to rank higher in the search engine results pages, attract more website visitors, and produce high-quality leads for your legal services by following the 11 SEO techniques that are mentioned in this article.

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SEO Strategy for Real Estate Lawyers: My Experience

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